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By Voice of Rohingya – VOR Correspondents

Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh: Another minor landslide occured in a makeshift camp near Rohingya’s shelters on 9th August 2019, reports a member of VOR.

Landslide at Block-H-8, Camp -14 of Hakimfara makeshift camp. Image: VOR

At Block-H-8, camp -14 of Hakimfara a landslide occured in the morning nearby Rohingya’s shelters.

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From this landslide no human or property casulties were reported.

Earlier many lanslides hit Rohingya’s shelters and destructed thier shelters along with injuring sheltering Rohingya.

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Since the beginning of this monsoon flood and landslides incresead the death toll of Rohingya in makeshift camps of Bangladesh.

Edited by : Arifa

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