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By Rohingya Vision TV Correspondents | 10th January 2019

Jeddah: Along with thousands of Rohingya men, hundreds of Rohingya women and children were also detained in Saudi Arabia with the same documentation issues since 2012 and are suffering with negligence since then, reports a detained Rohingya.

According to the latest reports received from the detention an approximately 400-500 Rohingya women have been detained by Saudi officials, and with mothers more than 150 children are also in Saudi detention centers.

Picture shows a Rohingya woman in detention along with her son. Image: Social media

After the 2012 state-sponsored violence, a chaotic situation was created for Rohingya in Arakan, Burma, and at that time along with men, Rohingya women also had to take this perilous journey in search of a safe heaven just to save themselves from merciless massacres and military rapes.

Their journey for a safe heaven ended in the Saudi detentions, after they were arrested in Saudi operations.

β€œMany Rohingya women were arrested at pregnancy period too and they had to deliver their babies in detention, ” said an informing detainee, who wished to stay anonymous.

Moreover, reports confirm that there are women who have been detained up to 4-5 years, just for the crime of entering Saudi Arabia with invalid documentation, as Rohingya are denied citizenship by the Burmese government.

[Dozens of Rohingya children in detention centers of Saudi Arabia. Image: Social Media]

β€œBefore we could at least understand people didn’t have much knowledge about the sufferings of Rohingya, but now after knowing the Rohingya, a minority facing genocide, it really shocks us with the level of inhumanity Rohingya face in the detention centers of Saudi Arabia,” the anonymous detainee further added.

Earlier, Rohingya vision shed light on the suffering of the detained Rohingya men such as their hunger strikes, health issues, demonstrations and lastly about their forced deportation from detention centers in Jeddah.

This week, nearly 50 Rohingya were spotted in a queue of forced deportation to Bangladesh, out of which deportation of 13 Rohingya were confirmed by the Bangladeshi authorities.

Latest reports about the returning Rohingya says the deported Rohingya might be once again sentenced in Bangladeshi jail with the same documentation issues, which has been prioritized over their human suffering.

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