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By Rohingya Vision TV Correspondents | 22nd November 2018

Cox’s Bazaar: Dozens of Rohingya forcefully deported from Saudi detention centers demanded justice, after reaching to Bangladesh through a testimonial video yesterday (21st November 2018).

In the video recorded, they held the documents and said they were claimed as Bangladeshis even after knowing their original nationality, just to deport them to Bangladesh.

One Rohingya named Noor Boshor S/O Abduroon, 35 among the deported group said β€œI have all documents that proved me as Rohingya and nationals of Burma, even then they separated me from my family and deported me”

β€œI was born and raised there and all my family members including my parents, siblings, wife and children are still there (Saudi Arabia)” he further added.

Watch more on their Testimonial video:

They also explained how innocent Rohingya were detained from last 5-10 years with allegations of fake documents, which Rohingya use without a choice in order to escape persecution in their homeland, just to reach to a safer place.

In the video, they further explained how the detained Rohingya are forced to give fingerprints and signatures in order to be deported to Bangladesh.

Hundreds of Rohingya people were detained in different detention centers in Saudi Arabia since 4 – 5 years. Reason for detaining was just improper documentation issues, as Rohingya are denied citizenship and passport in their own country and are facing a genocide.

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