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By Rohingya Vision TV Correspondents | 6th December 2019

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: More than 50 Rohingya are in fear of deportation from Saudi detention center after being sentenced to 4-5 years of imprisonment, reports a detainee today (6th December 2019).

Among hundreds of detainees in the detention centers of Saudi Arabia, more than 50 Rohingya in emergency detention center today are reported to be forcibly deported to Bangladesh.

Since 2012, Rohingya have been jailed in Saudi Arabia for ineligible documentation as Rohingya usually uses travel permits of neighboring countries due to the denial of citizenship in their own country, Burma.

Watch more on Rohingya Detainee in Saudi Detention centers:

A Rohingya detainee who asked not to be named said β€œMost of the Rohingya who were single were earlier forcibly deported to Bangladesh, now the remaining who have families here are also seen in deportation queue”.

According to a latest short video received today a queue of Rohingya who have families in Saudi Arabia were seen waiting in the emergency exit center in hunger and thirsty condition.

Earlier many Rohingya were also reported to be forcibly deported by claiming them to be Bangladeshis, despite of proving themselves as Rohingya.

Since the State-sponsored violence and genocidal operations on Rohingya began, Rohingya had to disperse in any directions that were possible and to do so they used any documents that were available just to save their lives from Burmese military brutalities.

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