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By Rohingya Vision TV

Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh: Extreme negligence of cleanliness in the makeshift camps has left suffering Rohingya in a vaulnerable and unhygienic situations, reports Rohingya sufferers today (22 July 2019).

At Block-B, camp no. 11 of Balukhali 2 dirt accumulation has reached its peak and made the lives of the Rohingya to an unbearable state.

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As per routine, camp volunteers comes to clean up the area every week and this matter was reported to them by the residing Rohingya.

After hearing Rohingya’s plea they went back without cleaning with assurence of cleaning the area in their next turn.

[Dirt accumulated area at camp 11 of Balukhali 2. Image: RVISION TV]

Again when they arrived the next week to clean, they did not bother to clean the dirt accumulated area.

When Rohingyas asked the reason of not cleaning, they said they were only told by higher officials to clean the roads where foreign officials or delegations comes to visits.

Now after hearing such insensitive answer Rohingya in the area are left without any option except to suffer in the ongoing situation.

Since 2016, 1.3 million Rohingya are struggling to achieve minimum human needs, even after fleeing deadly killing fields of Burmese armed forces in their own ancestral land.

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