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December 13, 2021

Arakan Army (AA), a Rakhine terrorist group, reportedly insulted and abused nine Islamic teachers based on race and religion in the southern part of Buthidaung Township, Rakhine state.

Two weeks before, AA, as a legal government, set up a temporary checkpoint at the Thabeiktaung-Pon Nyo Lei Ferry in Buthidaung Township to check Rohingya crossing the river in search of livelihood.

AA members at the checkpoint are forcing the Rohingya traveling by boat in the Mayu River to disembark, take individual photos and interrogate them in aggressive manners, according to locals

In addition, December 10, at around 3 pm on Friday, 9 Islamic teachers along with 20 students from Arabic High School in Sae Oo Kya went to Atwin Nga Thei village tract, Buthidaung township to collect charities for the fund of the school, and while returning by a boat crossing AA’s checkpoint, the teachers were told to take off their fezzes and stand in the hot sun.

After about 30 minutes, AA terrorist group took photos and interrogated them with disrespect, and threatened them discriminately, an eyewitness said.

One of Islamic teachers said the successive dictatorships in Burma have been persecuting Rohingya Muslims, but have not harassed Islamic clerics like the Rakhine terrorist group AA is doing.

AA’s daily increasing mistreatment towards Rohingya Muslims distinctly shows that it will soon become a large genocidal group for the Muslims in Rakhine state.

Reported By: ArakanGo

Edited By: Md. Shuaib