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By Voice of Rohingya- VOR Correspondent

Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh: A lavatory broke and a child fell in the toilet pit and died in a makeshift camp yesterday (28th July 2019), reports a member of VOR from the scene.

At 10 am at Block-0-15 of camp 14, Hakimfara a Rohingya child went to the lavatory in the area after returning from school.

The poorly Managed Lavatory at Hakimfara makeshift camp of Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh. Image: Voice of Rohingya

As soon as he sat on the lavatory bowl, the bowl broke and he fell under the deep pit. Immediately he died in the scene.

The dead victim was named to be Ariful Islam, 5, S/O, Muhammed Hussain and Menara Begum.

Read more on similar stories:

Earlier many Rohingya complained about the poorly managed lavatory in the incident area and other areas, where people are in immediate need of repairing.

This is not a new scene, where Rohingya-genocide survivors are suffering severely in their immediate humanitarian needs, after fleeing a deadly genocidal campaign by the Burmese military.

Edited by : Arifa

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