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Minbya β€” One of the two Rohingya men from Sambli village of Minbya township kidnapped allegedly by the Rakhine rebels last week was found killed brutally.

The dead body was found floating in the stream on January 9, 2020 at around 12:00 pm while the hands were tied behind back and his mouth and arms were also tied tightly.

Khairul Amin, 32, son of Mohammad Hussain and his father-in-law Yousuf, 60, son of Kala Miya from Sambli Village of Minbya township were kidnapped by Rakhine rebels on January 1, 2020 at around 7:30 pm.

While Yousuf and Amin were working and watching paddy at the paddy threshing ground, five armed Rakhines believed to be members of Arakan Army came, started beating without any interrogation and kidnapped them, according to eyewitnesses.

The man found killed is identified to be Khairul Amin while his father-in-law is still missing. The villagers and relatives are worrying about his fate if it would the same as of Amin.