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UNITED NATION: Bangladeshi Prime Minter Sheik Hasina has sited a four-point proposal at 74th session of the United Nation General Assembly (UNGA) to solve the Rohingya crisis.

She requested the International community to understand the untenability of the situation. The crisis which is now going beyond the camps.

“ Despite our efforts to contain it, the crisis has now becoming a regional threat. Moreover, increasing congestion and environmental degradation is challenging health and security in the area,” She said.

She further said Bangladesh is bearing the burden of a crisis which is Myanmar’s own making. It is an issue solely between Myanmar and its own people, the Rohingyas. They themselves have to resolve it.

“The voluntary return of the Rohingya to their homes in Arakan state in safety, security and dignity is the only solution to the crisis. We will continue our engagement with Myanmar with Myanmar to make the repatriation of the Rohingyas happen,” said the prime minster.

“Let’s start by calling a spade, a spade. What happened in Rakhine state is genocide,” he said on the sidelines of the 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

Earlier in the 72nd UNGA in 2017, Prime minister Sheik Hasina had put forth a five-point proposal to resolve the crisis, which included full implementation of recommendation of the Kofi Annan Commission, and establishment of civilian monitored safe zone in Arakan.

In the 74th UNGA Prime Minister Sheik Hasina’s has placed four-point proposals are as follows –

  • Myanmar must manifest clear political will supported by concrete actions for sustainable return and reintegration of Rohingya to Myanmar.
  • Myanmar Must build trust among the Rohingyas by discarding discriminatory laws and practices and allowing go and see visit to Northern Arakan state by Rohingya representatives.
  • Myanmar must guarantee security and safety the Rohingyas by deploying civilian monitors from international community in the Arakan state.
  • International community must ensure that the root causes of Rohingya problem are addressed and the violation of human rights and other atrocity committed against the Rohingyas are accounted for.

Prime minister said it is indeed unfortunate that I have to again raise this issue in this august body as the Rohingya crisis remains unresolved. 

“Bangladesh continues to host 1.1 million Rohingya who were forced to leave Myanmar due to atrocities committed against them,” she said.

“The crisis is now lingering into the third year; yet not a single Rohingya could return to Myanmar due to absence of safety and security, freedom of movement and overall conducive environment in Rakhine State of Myanmar,” Prime minster added.

“We (Rohingyas) are highly appreciating the efforts of Bangladesh government. And grateful to the Prime Minister of Bangladesh who is tirelessly attempting to resolve Rohingya crisis on the global stage,” said a Rohingya from Bangladesh camp to RVision.

On the other hand, including Prime minster of Malaysia Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan, President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan and other world leaders have raised their concerns regarding Rohingya crisis and seek accountability for Rohingya atrocities at the 74th UN general assembly (UNGA).

Demands of over a million Rohingya genocide survivors are totally ignored by China, Myanmar and Bangladesh jointly during a tripartite meeting over repatriation on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York on Tuesday.

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