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The Arakan Army (AA) is incessantly abducting Rohingyas on baseless accusations of having connections with the Myanmar military in Buthidaung Township, Arakan State, Myanmar.

A source reported, “29 Rohingya were abducted between June 5th and June 6th by AA on false allegations of having connections with the Myanmar military.”

On June 5th, 20 Rohingyas from Teik Pet Taung village in Buthidaung Township were abducted by AA. The following day, June 6th, 7 more Rohingya from the same village were also taken under similar false allegations.

Additionally, two Rohingya youths from Sein Hnyin Pya village were abducted by AA on June 6th. Similarly, on May 29th, 20 Rohingya youths from Sein Hnyin Pya village were abducted without any reason.

There isn’t a single day that AA is not abducting Rohingya with false and baseless accusations. The crimes of AA are increasing day by day in Arakan State, Myanmar.

Rohingya Vision News