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December 02, 2021

The scandalous Rakhine terrorist group AA in Rakhine State, Myanmar engages in plotting to start Rohingya genocide again, the suffering Rohingya Muslims report.

In Buthidaung Township, the terrorist group, Arakan Army (AA), lured some Rohingya youths to take part in it. A few stupid Rohingya youths had no sooner joined AA and passed a few months than their family members and other locals are being caught to torture on false pretext of fleeing from AA, the suffering Muslims said.

On November 28, 2021, at around 8 am, some members of AA from the camp based in Kunkey village, Buthidaung Township came to Kinn Taung village and raided the houses of Sham Shudin’s relatives alleging that he had fled AA, an eyewitness said.

The eyewitness continued that AA forces then abducted 85-year-old father Abdu Sufi and 45-year-old brother Azimudin on the false pretext.

At around 12 pm on the same day, five people-Sham Shudin’s two sisters named Jahida, 28 and Juhara, 25 and their husbands including a male relative hailing from Re Chan Pyin New Village of Thayet Pyin Village Tract– were abducted by AA members, a relative said.

Similarly, on November 29, at around 4:30 pm, at least 10 members of AA arrived at Re Chan Pyin New Village and abducted other four Rohingya youths.

The four abductees are: Jahan Gir, 23; Abu Sidik, 27, and Zia, 24 and are not the relatives of Sham Shudin, who had fled AA.

They are neither friends nor acquaintances of him. The Rakhine terrorist group AA is plotting, relying on weapons, to catch Rohingya youths to torture to death with baseless allegations, villagers said.

In addition, AA reportedly abducted 11 Rohingya people in two days regarding the allegation.

According to the locals, AA is presently controlling the Rohingya villages and it is not possible for Sham Shudin to flee but he has brutally been killed. Thus, AA is plotting to prevent the trouble that might arise for the killing or plotting with the coup military council to resume genocide against the Rohingya in the country.

AA sounds sweetly about Rohingya Muslims in front of international media but its hidden intention is to finish the Rohingya from the soil of Arakan so that they can easily enjoy Muslim’s properties and wealth.

Reported By: ArakanGo

Edited By: Md. Shuaib