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By Rohingya Vision TV Correspondents | 3rd June 2018

Kuala Lumpur: Nearly a hundred of Rohingyas attended at an event held in Kuala Lumpur today (3rd June) in order to commemorate the brutal massacres 10 Muslims on 3rd June 2012 and the following state-sponsored genocidal operation on Rohingya.

In the event several speakers delivered their speeches highlighting the plight of Rohingya. They also expressed importance of 3rd June, which marked a milestone in the history of Rohingya genocide.

Speakers at 3rd June event. Image by: Rohingya Vision TV

β€œDo any one of you remember when was the date, that Rohingya started to enter Bangladesh? None of us here knows the exact date, as we never remembered. So, today we are here to remember this 3rd June, so that upcoming Rohingya generation and world knows how we have been scapegoated by the Burmese government.” says Muhammed Noor, Managing director of Rohingya Vision TV and Rohingya project, in his speech as a lead speaker in the event.

Event was organized by local Rohingya residing in Malaysia, whom long fled military persecution since decades in Arakan (Rakhine). Rohingya Vision TV was its official media partner.

Rohingya children reciting poems in their own Rohingya language. Image: Rohingya Vision TV

The event started approximately at 5:00 pm with recitation of holy Qur’an and Tarana (songs and poems) by Rohingya children, and then followed by speeches from different Rohingya community leaders. The program ended with the Iftaar (breaking fast) event at 8:00 pm.

The event was also participated by non-Rohingyas in solidarity on Rohingya commemoration day along with many other common Rohingya, who attended the event.

A non-Rohingya, Saqib Sheikh, Project manager of Rohingya project, attended the event. Image: Rohingya Vision TV


3rd June 2012, the massacre of ten Muslim pilgrims in Arakan State marked the beginning of a series of terrible pogroms against the Rohingyas Since June 2012:

– More than 5,000 Rohingya and other Muslims have been killed or burned to death, thousands of them missing, hundreds of women and girls raped.

– Many thousands of Muslim homes have been torched and many dozens of mosques and madrassahs (Religious school) destroyed.

– About 140,000 people have been forced to flee their homes facing humanitarian disaster β€” starvation, mal-nutrition without education, medical care adequate food and essentialsβ€”in squalid displacement camps and villages in segregation under government’s neo-apartheid plan.

– Under extreme conditions, an estimated 20,000 Rohingya have taken the perilous voyages towards Southeast Asian countries and then 1000 boat people are missing while scores of others have drowned after several boats sank.

– In addition, hundreds of Burmese Muslims were brutally killed or burned alive, many hundreds of their homes, shops and properties destroyed, and 50,000 of them internally displaced.

Rohingya at 3rd June event. Image: Rohingya Vision TV

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