Rohingya Youth from BD Refugee Camp Pleades for Immediate Treatment
By Voice of Rohingya β VOR Correspondent Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh: A Rohingya youth due to lack of treatment is at...
Bangladeshi Kidnaps a Rohingya Teenage to Demand Ransom at makeshift Camps
By Rohingya Vision TV Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh: Few Bangladeshi locals kidnapped a Rohingya teenage boy and demanded a huge sum...
Cleaning Negligence Worsens Rohingya’s Sufferings in Makeshift Camps
By Rohingya Vision TV Cox's Bazaar, Bangladesh: Extreme negligence of cleanliness in the makeshift camps has left suffering Rohingya in...
Breaking News: Accident Leaves Two Rohingya dead & Injures Three more
By Rohingya Vision TV Cox's Bazaar, Bangladesh: A brick-loaded truck hit a shelter, killing two Rohingya and injures three more...
A Pregnant Rohingya Woman left Dead in Monsoon Landslide
By Rohingya Vision TV Cox's Bazaar, Bangladesh: A pregnant Rohingya woman was left to death in a Monsoon landslide yesterday...
Floods Engulfed Rohingya Shelters at No Man’s Land & Makeshift Camps
By Rohingya Vision TV Cox's Bazaar, Bangladesh: Heavy rain in this monsoon season since yesterday flooded Rohingya's shelters and at...
Rohingya Child Critically Injured in a Road Accident
By Rohingya Vision TV Cox's Bazaar, Bangladesh: A Rohingya child was critically injured in a road accident today (26 June...
Locals Harass and Tortures Rohingya in Makeshift Camps of Cox’s Bazaar
By Rohingya Vision TV Cox's Bazaar, Bangladesh: A Rohingya area administrator (Mazi) and chairman had been harassed and tortured by...
Life Through the Eyes of a Rohingya Photographer
My name is Azad Mohammed and I am a Rohingya photographer from Buthidaung Township, in Rakhine State, Myanmar. I fled...