Views: 4765

January 22, 2024

In a devastating escalation of conflict, at least five villages in Kyauktaw Township, Arakan State, were set ablaze yesterday at approximately 5 am on 21 Jan 2024 during intense clashes between the Myanmar military and the Arakan Army. Villagers reported the destruction, revealing that Kaungdauk, Sengadaung, Fallan Fara, Nairong (Nanragong), Bahar Fara, and Zailla Fara were among the affected villages.

The military justified the burning of these villages based on the presence of AA. Two innocent Rohingya civilian, from Fallan Fara are confirmed dead, while numerous other casualties remain unattended due to the intense fire and restrictions imposed by both military and AA.

The entire Rohingya population in these villages are facing displacement, with urgent cries for medicine and food. However, the absence of a dedicated medical team exacerbates the plight of the injured Rohingya.

Due to the unavailability of mobile network services in Arakan, there are challenges in accessing information and maintaining communication.