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By Rohingya Vision TV

Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh: Thirty Rohingya families are once again trapped in Bangladesh after feeling the Internally Displaced People’s Camp (IDP) of Akyab (Sittwe) since last two months, reports a suffering Rohingya yesterday (9th April 2019).

About four months ago, thirty Rohingya families from the IDP camps in Akyab left via boat to Malaysia in search of a safe place to flee the ongoing restrictions and persecution on them.

[Rohingya living in apartheid condition in Daw Gyi IDP camp in Akyab since 2012. RV File Photo]

After spending of two months in the deadly perilous sea journey, they were returned from Thailand by the Thai authorities and are now trapped in a shore at Teknaf of Cox’s Bazaar since then.

“Since we were returned from Thailand we are trapped here and our children are dying with hunger and thirst,” says Shomshu Alom, S/O Nobi Hussain, a Rohingya among the thirty families.

“We were in IDP camp since 2012 and are persecuted badly in all forms. We cannot leave those camps and work and our children also cannot get an education,” Shomshu further adds, who along with his family managed to reach Modusar makeshift camp of Kutupalong.

The families are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance and they are urging to INGOs and aid organizations to eliminate their suffering to a minimum level.

Since the state-sponsored of 2012, more than 168,000 Rohingya have fled Burma till 2017 as quoted by a report on forced displacement in South-East Asia by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency.

Read more on the recent group of Rohingya, landing the shores of Malaysia:

The journey of persecuted Rohingya did not stop there, till today Rohingya are forced to flee their homes in search of a safe place. Recently a boatful of 200 Rohingya have landed on a Malaysian shore and more Rohingya are expected to be floating on the sea in this deadly sea journey.

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