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Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie, UN envoy of UN High Commissioner for Refugee (UNHCR) has praised prime minister of Bangladesh for its leadership role in the Rohingya crisis.

The foreign minister of Bangladesh has announced on Sunday that Jolie recently has send a letter to the prime minister and praised her for providing shelter and security to the Rohingya refugee.

She also mentioned in the letter that UNHCR will continue to work with Myanmar to create an environment for returning Rohingya to their homeland permanently.

Jolie visited the Rohingyaโ€™s camp at Cox’s Bazar on February 2019 as UNHCR’s special envoy.

The UNHCR’s special envoy has hoped that the journey of ‘2020 Joint Response Plan for the Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis’ will be started in next March and the fundraising will be accelerated.

Jolie has vowed to keep the world community in touch with the Rohingya for humanity. He also expressed his gratitude to the people of Bangladesh for giving their full support to these helpless people.

Reported by Muhammad Shoaib