Views: 12612

Feb 29, Rvision

The Burmese Army is coercing Rohingya men to join the conflict by offering improved rations, national ID cards, and, in some instances, threatening to withhold rations if they refuse to participate. This move coincides with the junta’s desperate campaign of forced conscription across the country, aiming to draft 5,000 civilians into service each month.

Moreover, on February 18th, 300 Rohingya from Sittwe’s Baw Du Pha IDP camp were taken for a three-day military training course at Military Battalion 354 stationed in Sittwe. Those slated for recruitment were provided with 50,000 Kyat (approximately $24) and a bag of rice. Completing the training granted individuals better rations and certain military privileges. A Sittwe resident collaborating with BHRN stated, “Despite the Rohingya’s reluctance to participate in the training, the SAC (State Administrative Council) proxies and Camp Management Committees threatened the IDPs, stating that refusal to participate would result in their ration cards being revoked. On the other hand, the SAC attempts to persuade by offering money, rice, and a National ID card.”

Kyaw Win, Executive Director of BHRN, remarked, “The Rohingya in Sittwe have been confined to these camps for over a decade without a foreseeable way out. Now, the junta is exploiting the desperate situation they created and intimidating the Rohingya to join their failing war effort. It is unconscionable and cruel. The Burmese military is violating the provisional measures set by the International Court of Justice each day the war in Arakan rages, and they must be held accountable.”

Source and photo: BHRN
Rohingya Vision News