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Myanmar’s military is resorting to forcibly arresting Rohingya youths and compelling them into military service, all the while menacing their families if they dare to refuse participation in Maungdaw Township.

The ominous shadow of the Myanmar military loomed over Kayin Taing Rohingya village, where over 50 youths, aged between 18 and 35, were ensnared on the evening of March 19th, thrust into compulsory military service.

“The Rohingya youths plucked from Kayin Taing village found themselves confined within a military camp, only to be liberated on March 20th, their names etched into military rolls,” revealed a concerned villager.

With a heavy hand, the Myanmar military has proclaimed that Rohingya youths enlisted by the Military Council shall face another summons. Should they dare to balk or evade service, the military shall unleash its wrath upon their families.

“The military has issued a stern decree, warning that despite their names being logged upon release from the camp, any attempt to shirk or flee when summoned will incur dire consequences upon their families,” lamented a resident.

Rohingya Vision News