THE HAGUE — In a press release issued on January 15, ICJ announced that the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, will deliver, on Thursday 23 January 2020, its Order on the request for the indication of provisional measures made by The Gambia in the case concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (The Gambia v. Myanmar).
The Gambia filed the suit in November, alleging Myanmar was committing “an ongoing genocide” against its minority Muslim Rohingya population.
It has accused Myanmar of violating the 1948 Genocide Convention in a military operation deporting more than one million Rohingya from their homeland. It asked the International Court of Justice to order “provisional measures” to prevent more harm, a first step in a legal case that is expected to go on for years.
Myanmar’s fallen icon Aung San Suu Kyi attended the hearing in The Hague last month to defend the military against the genocide charges. She denied that genocide was taking place and said the court has no jurisdiction to hear the case.
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