Buthidaung, Rakhine State β Tens of thousands of Rohingya displaced from Buthidaung since May 17, 2024, continue to face forced relocation under the orders of the Arakan Army (AA). After initially being confined to Ward 5 near downtown Buthidaung, they have now been ordered to move to a rural area, approximately 45 minutes away.
The displaced Rohingya are not allowed to take personal belongings and must construct makeshift shelters at their new location without any humanitarian assistance. The AA has yet to confirm the exact relocation site.
The Rohingya question remains: why are they not allowed to return to their original homes in Buthidaung and Maungdaw? While most of Buthidaungβs Rohingya houses were burned to the ground, homes in Maungdaw remain largely intact.
Despite allowing some Rohingya families to return to villages like Shwe Zar, Nyaung Chaung, and Pan Taw Pyin, the AA continues to prevent displaced Rohingya from downtown Maungdaw including Ward 2, Ward 5, Maung Ni Ward, Latha, Myo Oo, and Kayin Dan villages from returning, even though they form the majority in these areas. Meanwhile, Rakhine and Hindus have been allowed to return to downtown Buthidaung, raising serious concerns about ethnic discrimination and land grabbing.
This aligns with past remarks by Twan Morn Naing, the brother of AAβs Chief, who in 2018 exposed a land-grabbing strategy. He now leads the Humanitarian and Development Coordination Office of the United League of Arakan (ULA), the AAβs political wing.
As the AA enforces systematic displacement, the fate of the Rohingya in Buthidaung and Maungdaw remains uncertain.
Rohingya Vision News
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