In a tragic incident, a young Rohingya girl was abducted from Bumay Rohingya village in Akyab Township, Arakan State, on May 9, 2024, by members of the Arakan Liberation Party (ALP).
According to a source, the heart-wrenching ordeal began when a four-year-old Rohingya girl was forcibly taken from her home in Bumay Rohingya village, Akyab Township, on March 9. ALP members demanded a ransom of ten million MMK from the girl’s distraught parents for her safe return, a demand they reluctantly met.
However, despite the ransom being paid in full, the ALP members based in Bumay village, Akyab Township callously refused to release the girl. Instead, they demanded an additional five million MMK, threatening dire consequences if their demands weren’t met. Fearful for their daughter’s life, the parents complied, paying a total of fifteen million MMK.
Tragically, despite the ransom being paid, the innocent girl endured unspeakable suffering at the hands of her captors. Her lifeless body was discovered near the ALP office in Bumay village on the morning of March 14, 2024, sending shockwaves through the community.
In another distressing incident involving the ALP, a Rohingya man lost his life, and two others were gravely injured in an altercation with ALP members from Bumay village, Akyab Township. The violence erupted when Rohingya villagers attempted to retrieve the girl’s body, only to face gunfire from the armed ALP members.
Reflecting on the escalating violence, a resident of Akyab Township lamented the growing ties between the Arakan Liberation Party (ALP) and the Myanmar military, highlighting a disturbing trend of criminal activities including robbery and kidnapping.
Rohingya Vision News
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