In a tragic escalation of violence against the Rohingya community, a young Rohingya man was abducted by the Arakan Army (AA) in Buthidaung Township and later killed under brutal circumstances. The body of the victim, identified as Rofiul Kader, was returned to his family on November 11, 2024, following weeks of captivity and severe torture.
Rofiul Kader, a resident of Ward No. 05 in Buthidaung, was abducted in the third week of October along with several other youths. A local source reported that heavily armed members of the Arakan Army raided the area without any justification, taking the young men, including Rofiul, into custody. โA group of AA soldiers entered Ward No. 05, conducted a raid, and abducted several youths, including Rofiul Kader,โ the source shared. โThey were taken away by the Arakan Army and held in captivity.โ
Upon returning his body to his parents on November 11, there were clear signs that Rofiul had endured horrific abuse during his time in captivity. โHis body showed numerous signs of brutal and inhumane torture. It was clear that he had suffered greatly before his death,โ the source added.
The manner of his return was equally disturbing: his parents were handed his body in a car, with threats issued to keep quiet about the incident. โThe body was delivered by car, and the parents were warned not to disclose any details about what had happened. After handing over the body, the members of the Arakan Army left, taking the car with them,โ the source explained.
The killing of Rofiul Kader is part of a wider pattern of abductions and atrocities committed by the Arakan Army against the Rohingya. Reports suggest that approximately one thousand Rohingya youths have been abducted in Buthidaung alone, often on fabricated charges. These detainees are subjected to harsh conditions, with reports indicating that they are often fed only once a day, or even less frequently. Many have perished due to the extreme mistreatment and torture they endure.
This incident underscores the ongoing violence faced by the Rohingya in Arakan State, where they are trapped in a cycle of fear, persecution, and brutality. The international communityโs failure to intervene has left these innocent civilians vulnerable to further atrocities, with no end in sight to the violence that continues to claim young lives like Rofiulโs.
Rohingya Vision News
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