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Reports from Buthidaung Township, Arakan State, Myanmar, reveal that the terrorist group Arakan Army (AA) is forcibly and intimidatorily collecting taxes from Rohingya communities in the region.

According to sources, AA has issued an ultimatum demanding each Rohingya family residing in southern Buthidaung Township pay 800,000 Myanmar Kyats. β€œThe Arakan Army announced and threatened that families must pay this amount, or face severe consequences,” a source disclosed.

Sources further reported that the terrorist group has used threats and coercion to enforce compliance. β€œThe Arakan Army has warned that any failure to pay the demanded amount would result in direct shootings of family heads and the detention of their relatives,” one source stated.

This coercive taxation is part of a broader campaign of persecution targeting Rohingya communities in the township. Rohingyas have reported facing abductions, detentions on false charges, and killings under fabricated allegations by the Arakan Army.

The Rohingya, already victims of decades-long systemic oppression and violence, are now subjected to additional atrocities by the Arakan Army. The international community has been urged to address this worsening situation and hold the perpetrators accountable.

Rohingya Vision News