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By Rohingya Eye

Maugdaw, Arakan: Burmese officials from immigration department started interrogations in Quarter 1 and 4 of Maungdaw Township, on 3 May 2019, reports a source.

Burmese officers from the immigration department arrived towards the existing Rohingya areas to additionally circumscribe them around their villages.

According to locals, authorities asked them about their missing family members who were already forced out of their villages during the last crackdown since 25 August 2017.

In the incident, they further interrogated the remaining Rohingya saying that they cannot go anywhere even to check-up from any doctors.

Likewise, enduring Rohingya do not have any opportunities to gather their daily meals as well as to move around their own villages.

These are the situations of remaining Rohingya in Arakan State, which is being tightened by Burmese authorities, compelling Rohingyas to dwell in the intense restriction.

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